0105 : Tom Parker of Saurian


Lead designer of Saurian, zoologist, and paleo-illustrator Tom Parker ( @Tomozaurus ) joins to discuss his complicated relationship with the 'Jurassic' franchise, paleontological accuracy in dinosaur media and what he'd like to see in the future of the franchise.


Tom Parker

Since 2013 I have been working as scientific researcher/adviser for interactive educational project, Saurian (sauriangame.com). The aim of Saurian is to recreate an extinct ecosystem as accurately as possible to our current understanding & present this to the public in the form of a simulation-type video game; our ultimate goal being to offer people a fun and engaging manner in which to learn about the current state of dinosaur palaeontology. I joined this project as the researcher and science consultant, in charge of ensuring the scientific validity of the game's content. This game was featured in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition (11th Volume) on a list of the most historically accurate video games.

Through 2017 & 2018 I spent much of my time writing a popular science book, Saurian: A Field Guide to Hell Creek, which I self-published in softcover in 2018, with a hardcover version set to be published by Titan Books in September 2021. This book presents the complex geology, palaeobotany and palaeontology of the Hell Creek formation to a general audience in the guise of a classic environmental field guide.

I am a Deakin University graduate with two bachelor's degrees, in Zoology and in Computer Science.
During my time studying, I participated in voluntary work as a research assistant contributing to both laboratory and field work on two in-progress ornithological research projects. I have also volunteered as a demonstrator for a reptile display at the university, in association with Roaming Reptiles (roamingreptiles.com.au). These experiences provided valuable exposure to the field of research and outreach in the biological sciences.

I am motivated by a desire to educate the public on environmental science and natural history. This is fueled by conviction that scientific literacy is a necessity in sustaining our planet. I am excited most by getting others as enthused about science as myself. I am increasingly aspiring to devote my life and career to conserving our natural environment in any manner I can, especially in light of the current climate catastrophe. I would like to direct myself into any career path that would lead me to a feeling that I can aid with this situation.


0106 : Gabriel Ugueto, Paleoartist


0104 : Deinocheirus Terrificus [2 of 2]