0101 : Welcome to the Neojurassic


The NeoJurassic Podcast is a weekly speculative exploration into the real world possibilities of a “NeoJurassic” World; a world in which de-extincted mesozoic megafauna are proliferating across the globe at the height of the anthropocene.

“Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by sixty-five million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?”

What would a NeoJurassic world actually look like? What exactly CAN we expect when mankind and dinosaurs are suddenly thrown into the mix together? Y’know, that’s a question I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since Alan Grant first posed it back in the summer of 93. Throughout the course of the show, we’ll be exploring some of the many fascinating questions that just might arise in a world shared by mankind and dinosaurs alike. As I am but one deeply committed super fan with many more questions than answers, we’ll of course be taking these questions on with the help of an incredible array of experts: paleontologists, zoologists, paleoartists, crispr conservationists, animal behaviorists, ecologists, biotech engineers and so many others. Together, we’ll be exploring the scientific realities of their work, unexplored concepts from Michael Crichton’s novels & what surprising new developments we might be seeing in the very near future of the ‘Jurassic World’ franchise.

Furthermore, ‘Jurassic World’ architect and story shepherd Colin Trevorrow has hinted that we can look forward to a renewed effort in pursuing more paleontological accuracy in ‘Jurassic World : Dominion’ and beyond. For better or worse, I’m an optimist and it’s with that optimism that I plan on looking forward to the many possible futures of this franchise. I fully believe there are so many fascinating Jurassic stories to be told that don’t have to skimp on the science to engage & thrill audiences. Truth be told, as I’ve learned time and time again throughout producing this season, the scientific realities of life in both the mesozoic and the anthropocene are often far weirder and more wonderful than anything we’ve seen so far in the films!
By the end of this season, it’s my goal to prove to the cynics among us that the possibilities of a ‘Jurassic World’ go far beyond one ill conceived theme park off the coast of costa rica.

Each episode also features a ‘Jurassic Fantasies’ segment in which fans of the ‘Jurassic’ series share their own personal wishes, wants and fantasies for the future of the franchise as it is poised to grow larger than ever before.

Whether you’re a ‘Jurassic’ fan, a paleo-enthusiast or merely someone with a passion for the natural world, welcome to the NeoJurassic.


0102 : Tech, Texas & Quetzalcoatlus