0102 : Tech, Texas & Quetzalcoatlus


Join host Bri for the long awaited first full episode of NeoJurassic.

We'll be exploring the fascinating world of pterosaurs with paleontologist & biomechanist Dr. Mike Habib with a speculative glimpse (2:40 - 10:05) into a world in which today's tech gods resurrect quetzalcoatlus for the corporate corporate synergy/bravado/lolz.


Michael Habib

Dr. Michael Habib is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California and a Research Associate in both the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He is a paleontologist exploring the relationships between animal structure and motion, using a combination of comparative anatomy, art, and engineering. His work on animal launch provided the first robust explanation of giant size in pterosaurs and led to a fundamental reassessment of the mechanical limits of flying animals. His work was featured as one of the top 100 science discoveries of 2009 by Discover Magazine. In 2014, Popular Science recognized Dr. Habib as one of their Brilliant Ten. Dr. Habib has authored numerous scientific papers, appeared in a diverse array of television specials, worked as a scientific editor for National Geographic Magazine, and written for The Conversation UK, Scientific American, and Universe Today. He is an experienced animation and creature design consultant, having worked on over a dozen projects, including Beast Legends, Clash of the Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Revolution, Monster Tracker, and Walking with Dinosaurs. His current book, Flying Monsters: Illustrating Flying Vertebrates, illustrated by legendary creature artist Terryl Whitlatch, will be published in 2021 by Design Studio Press.

Also paleoartist & animator, Cameron Clow (@CamTheCowboyMan) shares his Jurassic Fantasies.


0103 : Deinocheirus Terrificus [1 of 2]


0101 : Welcome to the Neojurassic